” My art aspires to capture life in my own colours, in the way I want my world to be.”
– Mitul

About Us

Artmitul was conceived in 2010 to express Mitul’s own art and designs to celebrate the mysteries of human emotions, the flow of life and the entire macrocosm of lifeforms’ bonding and relationships. Mitul’s art has, today, touched everybody, from institutions to individual art lovers, while embellishing homes and wardrobes of family and close friends.

The journey began with hand painted greeting cards commissioned by a friend in the US and it quickly expanded to include traditional Kantha drapes, stoles and sarees to art on various surfaces, jewellery and home décor and her very sought after paintings.

The demand for Mitul’s paintings and designs brought her to the commercial market in the Middle East and in India earlier in the decade. Her clientele has since continued to expand beyond friends and family to include buyers from across the world.

Artmitul, today, is a well-regarded brand among a loyal band of customers, both individual and corporates. Artmitul.com was launched to enhance the brand’s reach beyond its traditional buyers. The online portal endeavours to bring the Artmitul brand to the homes and persons of art lovers who are physically not able to reach out to Mitul’s collections at her exhibitions or over the counter.

Artmitul’s endeavour is to remain exclusive and selective. Every work of art and craft displayed and sold on this website is authentic and each one is ever so slightly different than the other and unique in their own way.

We welcome appreciation and participation from our buyers. You can write to us with suggestions in participate@artmitul.com . You are also welcome to visit our facebook and join us in celebrating the values of art, culture and love.

Our Vision

Our vision is to establish an authentic and original ecosystem of art and artisans to cater to the finer tastes of those who are in constant search of something that’s different.

Core Team

Mitul Bhattacharya: Mitul leads the Artmitul team. She is an artist with wide following. She has been working with artists and artisans, particularly in West Bengal and Bihar, to create a sustainable community.

Soumen Karmakar: Soumen leads the technical team at Artmitul. He is a senior IT professional with years of experience in web development, including e-commerce, and SEO and much more.

*Artmitul.com is a division of The Dove & The Eagle, a manufacturer of handicraft items and an exporter and importer.